

AG百家乐怎么稳赢 “上刀山 下火海”——隐私的旺苍端公戏(上)





  什么?要“上刀山 下火海”?  What? Is there really a need to“climb a mountain of swords and plungeinto a sea of flames”?  “上刀山 下火海”每每用来形容克服难以念念象的繁难,作念成了某件事,用来歌咏东谈主们不畏艰险的精神。虽然,这么的“刀山火海”更多存在于东谈主们的念念象之中。  As the term suggests, there are a mountain filled with sharp knives and a flame sea burning fiercely. The Chinese use the phrase “climb a mountain of swords and plunge into a sea of flames”to describe accomplishing something extraordinary after overcoming unthinkable challenges. Commonly used to praise the spirit of being fearless of danger and difficulty, such“a mountain of swords and a sea of flames”normally exist in people’s imagination.  而在四川广元旺苍,这么的场景在端公戏饰演中就能看到。每到逢年过节或热切活动,旺苍端公戏总会劝诱繁多东谈主的眼神。  In China’s Wangcang County, people are able to glut their eyes through such scenes in Duangong Opera. During every holiday or important event, Wangcang Duangong Opera always attracts the attention of numerous viewers.  这是为什么?因为端公戏有隐私艳羡的饰演——“可怕”的面具,“危机”的作为,ag平台百家乐无一不让东谈主们咋舌连连。  Its attraction lies in the mysterious and captivating performance characterized by“terrifying”masks and“dangerous”movements, which never fails to amaze viewers time and again!  戴上头具,穿上传统服装,饰演者们边唱边跳,“上刀山、下火海”,把俗例民俗唱成村歌小调。通过一系列夸张、张皇的饰演,警告东谈主们要栉垢爬痒、尚勤行孝。  Wearing masks and traditional costumes, the performers sing and dance, climbing a mountain of swords and plunging into a sea of flames, turning folk customs into folk tunes. Through a series of exaggerated and thrilling performances, they convey the message of punishing the evil and promoting the good, while advocating hard work and filial piety.  汉文作家:四川日报全媒体记者 张敏  英文作家:四川外洋传播中心记者 刘动  照相:张敏
